Hello Mercer Constituents, I want to first, thank you all for your support and vote in the February Town Board Supervisor Primary, allowing me to move to the April 2 election. I want to recap some of my concerns I have with moving Mercer forward and after attending the Town Board meeting February 22, some of the issues I have outlined sparked lengthy discussions. The first topic was presented at 5:00 pm discussing the PRAT Tax that our town chairman proposed. The basis of this tax is to fund Road Repairs! The claim is it will tax the “Tourists” however fuel along with other items us locals will purchase are included in this tax, NOT just “tourist related” purchases! At the onset of this discussion I attempted to ask the Board what their plans are for utilizing our Industrial Park and what they are doing to encourage businesses to come to Mercer? This would be a direct tax base supporting our town. Chairma...
Showing posts from March, 2019