Hello Mercer Constituents,

I want to first, thank you all for your support and vote in the February Town Board Supervisor Primary, allowing me to move to the April 2 election.   

 I want to recap some of my concerns I have with moving Mercer forward and after attending the Town Board meeting February 22, some of the issues I have outlined sparked lengthy discussions.   

The first topic was presented at 5:00 pm discussing the PRAT Tax that our town chairman proposed.  The basis of this tax is to fund Road Repairs!  The claim is it will tax the “Tourists” however fuel along with other items us locals will purchase are included in this tax, NOT just “tourist related” purchases!  At the onset of this discussion I attempted to ask the Board what their plans are for utilizing our Industrial Park and what they are doing to encourage businesses to come to Mercer?  This would be a direct tax base supporting our town.  Chairman Sendra, said we’d come back to that and that​ did not​ happen!

 The modifications to Cut Off Rd were discussed at the onset of the regular meeting.  Several constituents, myself and a Resort owner stated that the changes have created a much less safe road way, the corner can not be made without entering the oncoming traffic - both directions! The Resort owner stated that many customers were complaining about not being able to make the corner with a trailer on and that Google Maps sends his customers that way. Then it was suggested to close the road and Chairman Sendra, said to tell everyone to go Hwy FF past the “Cranberry Inn” it’s much safer!   

A claim was made that this road only exists because of a family land donation to the town but then a Taxpayer stated this road is part of the original Hwy 10 as it’s on old maps. In conclusion, Chuck Schoepfer agreed the intersection should be evaluated once the snow goes.  

I followed up at the meeting by asking for a Comprehensive Plan for the Park Committee’s Plans as I called the town hall and spoke with the Clerk, Christan Brandt and she did tell me “...there was not a plan in place”.  A Park Board member in attendance claimed to author a plan and told me I did not contact the right people for my information!  I will seek out a copy of this plan.


Regarding the gift of the Solar Panel System to the Town of Mercer, from the Friends of the Library, I am not aware of any costs the town has incurred with that installation with respects to “Maintenance”!  I will be seeking a bill/invoice to backup this statement.  Again, this is a Future Thinking investment in our town’s infrastructure.  I feel the Bicycle Path is also an investment in our town’s infrastructure and future tourism.  

Expenses will always be incurred with these investments however a transparent approach to utilizing the “Room Tax” which was coined for “Tourist Related Improvements” may better allow for the maintenance of these investments.  I would like to propose the town board go to Referendum for a vote on the USES of these monies in our town.  I think the voters, especially the Business Owners who are directly contributing to this tax through their customers, should have a say in our Tourist related improvements.  

Let the voters decide whether moving a Basketball court within our parks is primary to let’s say improving boat launches, piers and possibly saving that capital for infrastructure expenses that are already “Tourist” supported.   

I will address the recent School Board Meeting and the discussion we had with the Auditor in an additional post.  

Thank you, Christa Reinert

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